Gun Violence Prevention
Posted on May 31, 2021 at 12:00 AM
WNDC’s Gun Violence Prevention Task Force is joining hands with DC Moms Demand Action to support events for Wear Orange, both virtually and in-person (June 5 and 12, respectively). On June 4, WNDC members wore orange in solidarity of the entire gun violence prevention community. Our communities deserve justice! #KeepDCAlive
Mark your calendars for programs this month for gun violence prevention awareness!
On June 1, the TRIGGER Project led a Citywide End Gun Violence Conference and the GVP Emergency Operations Center. Woman’s National Democratic Club Member Janelle Ellis (pictured) met Jasmine Goodman of TRAPP: Teaching Adolescents Peaceful Positude, saying, “It was a warm, multi-generational room full of committed activists. Read about the Building Blocks DC program in the letter from Hon. Nadeau: that was the main focus. They are boots-on-the-ground warriors working directly in neighborhoods targeted for their evidence based history of gun violence.” click here to learn more.