From the President
Posted on December 11, 2023 at 12:00 AM
Democrats won big on November 7, 2017. Last night hope won, tolerance won, diversity won, WOMEN won, suburban and exurban voters won, Medicaid and Medicare won, Obamacare won, Progressives and Democrats won. Who lost? Hate, bigotry, demagogy, and fear lost – Trump and the Republicans lost.
Virginia was the big story! Virginians voted in races for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and the state legislature on Tuesday. Democrats won all three of the top seats. Of the state’s 100 seats in the House of Delegates, the chamber is now likely to be controlled by Democrats, 50 to 49 with 1 seat still too close to call.
Of the 14 seats Democrats flipped in Virginia, all were held by men and 10 were won by women. And two of those women, both from Prince William County, became the first Latinas elected to the General Assembly. Northern VA journalist Danica Roem became the first openly transgender candidate elected to a state legislature in the nation.
Democrats also won the Governor’s mansion in New Jersey and the mayoral race in New York. Washington State is now strongly blue with a Democratic-led legislature and Governor. In Georgia Democrats flipped three GOP held legislative seats, breaking a Republican super-majority. All across America there was a tidal wave that brought in progressives, Democrats, and women to the forefront. It was clear that the Republican brand was simply toxic.
Congratulations to the 60 plus volunteers who phoned, texted, and HOPED at the WNDC on November 6 and to all the volunteers who worked tirelessly for weeks and months before this momentous election. We also salute those who took to the suburbs and exurbs, as well as rural areas, of battleground states to ensure a record-breaking number of voters spoke their minds. According to the Washington Post, women made the difference! They organized, they ran, they voted, and they WON.
Democrats will need to gain 24 seats to take control of the US House of Representatives in 2018. We have the momentum to make this a romp!
Nuchhi Currier