Gun Violence Prevention
March 23, 2018: Resolution Expressing Solidarity with the Parkland Students and their “NeverAgain Movement
Posted on March 23, 2018 at 12:00 AM
WHEREAS: On February 14, 2018, 17 students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, were innocently slaughtered by yet another shooter with a military-style assault rifle; and
WHEREAS: This mass shooting represents the second deadliest shooting at a U.S. public school after Sandy Hook and the 10th deadliest shooting in over a decade involving the use of military-style assault weapons; and
WHEREAS: About 51.7 million children attend public elementary and secondary schools* and since Columbine, approximately 200 public school students have been shot to death while school was in session**; and
WHEREAS: It is an unacceptable and avoidable national tragedy to lose an average of over 35,000 lives annually to gun violence***; and
WHEREAS: In the aftermath of this horrific massacre, the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began an effective activist movement, including the creation of the #NeverAgain movement to advocate for stronger gun policies; and organization of a nationwide protest on March 24: “The March For Our Lives”; and
WHEREAS: Due to the persistence of these students, we are already seeing unparalleled consumer activism, resulting in the retreat of corporate support of the gun industry, as well as witnessing a renewed energy of the gun violence prevention movement.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: So that there can be no question as to where we stand on the slaughter of our youth and the student survivors’ simple demand to feel safe from gun violence, the Woman’s National Democratic Club hereby lends its full support to the student organizers of the “March For Our Lives” on March 24, 2018; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: We at WNDC vow to work arduously at the federal and state levels after March 24 to ensure that our children will be able to attend school without fear that each day could be their last and that all U.S. citizens can enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, free of gun violence.
Resolution passed by the WNDC Board of Governors, March 21, 2018
*National Center for Educational Statistics, 2017
**David Ropeik article, Washington Post, March 11, 2018
***Everytown Research