Gun Violence Prevention

Gun Violence is a public health crisis. Across America, the number of gun related incidents are on a steady rise, more than doubling in certain areas, from mass shootings to domestic violence to victims being gunned down randomly.
To bring these numbers down, law makers at all levels of government, federal, state and local, must take action to strengthen and enact gun safety laws. This includes banning assault weapons, background checks, and more.

The WNDC is committed to working together with our governments, nonprofit organizations and citizen groups in advancing sensible gun related laws towards eliminating this epidemic.

Gun Violence Prevention Articles

Feb. 23, 2025: Are Gun Violence Prevention Programs Working? What you can do to help.

By Carol Comito, Chair, PPC subcommittee for Gun Violence Prevention The bad news is that the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention established by President Biden is gone. Closed by the Tru... READ MORE...

August 25, 2023: The Ongoing Struggle: Addressing the Current Gun Violence Problem

By Carol Comito, Chair, Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Introduction: Gun violence has been an enduring and deeply troubling issue plaguing societies worldwide. The loss of innocent l... READ MORE...

December 11, 2023: Gun Violence Prevention Task Force

By Carol Comito, Chair, Gun Violence Prevention Task Force The PPC Gun Violence Prevention Task Force has learned that many organizations and the federal government are working on solutions to ... READ MORE...

June 8, 2022: Is it the GUNS or the HATRED?

By Karen Pataky, Director, Public Policy & Political Action Committee So, we are only 6 months into 2022 and America has endured 200 mass shootings. “Mass shootings” are defin... READ MORE...

May 17, 2022: PPC Statement on the Carnage in Buffalo

It is obscene and maddening that the country must process yet another senseless, bloody weekend. Ten innocent people were slaughtered and three wounded at a Buffalo supermarket brought about by a... READ MORE...

August 12, 2021: September GVP Update

Baseball or Neighborhood Shootings? America’s Pastime seems to be either baseball or neighborhood shootings! Andrew Patrick, political communications director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Vi... READ MORE...

June 14, 2021: WNDC Resolutions Adopted by NFDW

WNDC Resolutions Adopted at 50th Convention of the National Federation of Democratic Women The Public Policy & Political Action Committee submitted the following three resolutions to be conside... READ MORE...

May 31, 2021: Wear Orange 2021

WNDC’s Gun Violence Prevention Task Force is joining hands with DC Moms Demand Action to support events for Wear Orange, both virtually and in-person (June 5 and 12, respe... READ MORE...

May 27, 2021: GVP Coalition Letter – David Chipman as Director of the Bureau of ATF

On May 14, the final Letter to US Senate Judiciary Committee on the Nomination of David Chipman for ATF Director was submitted on behalf of a coalition of gun violence prevention organizations, i... READ MORE...

May 4, 2021: Members React: The First 100 Days of the Biden–Harris Administration

President Joe Biden reached an important benchmark in his presidency—the first 100 days! Having passed the American Rescue Plan, restored U.S. participation in the Paris Climate Change Acco... READ MORE...

April 8, 2021:President Biden — Campaign Promise on Guns

According to a Washington Post editorial, “…more than 300 people are shot and more than 100 of them die” daily in America. And we only hear about the massacres, no... READ MORE...

March 10, 2021: Take Action on H.R. 8 & H.R. 1446

WNDC Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Member Lilly urges us to contact our Congressmembers in SUPPORT of H.R. 8 and H.R. 1146. “These two pieces of legislation are great starts to... READ MORE...

March 8, 2021: Take Action on S. 529 and H.R. 8

URGENT CALL TO ACTION FROM WNDC TASK FORCE TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE “The United States Senate brought dishonor upon our country yesterday. What should have been a clarifying moment to com... READ MORE...

February 2, 2021: National Gun Violence Survivors Letter to President Biden

On February 2, the Woman’s National Democratic Club co-signed a letter to President Joe Biden outlining the steps the Biden-Harris Administration should take to address the epidemic of gun viole... READ MORE...

December 22, 2020: Gun Violence in DC and America

Under the Trump presidency, both during COVID-19 and before, gun violence has never been a priority! Daily, we read about shootings of children in DC or Chicago or Columbus, often neighbor against nei... READ MORE...

November 17, 2020: GVP Coalition Letter to Biden Transition Team

Gun violence in the United States is a public health crisis. In this November 17, 2020 letter, WNDC signed, along with 86 organizations from the GVP community, to the Biden-Harris Transition Team urgi... READ MORE...

September 24, 2020: Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Report

NRA While their leadership is weakened, membership dropping, and legal suits mounting, they still have their trade association, The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). According to Newtown Act... READ MORE...

September 3, 2020: GVP Senate Candidate Endorsement Info

The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force has compiled information on the endorsements by key gun violence prevention organizations of the US Senate candidates currently being supported by the Woman̵... READ MORE...

August 1, 2020: Summertime and Guns—Pop, Pop in Urban America

COVID-19 continues, while gun violence never went away! The public and media just awakened, while neighborhoods and communities, from DC, Chicago, Atlanta, to LA, were in its midst. Many politici... READ MORE...

July 17, 2020: Reinstate Congressional Notification of Firearms Exports

The Woman’s National Democratic Club co-signed a letter to Representative James McGovern, Chairman of the House Committee on Rules, and Representative Adam Smith, Chairman of the House Committee... READ MORE...

June 23, 2020: Oppose Senate GOP JUSTICE Act

The Woman’s National Democratic Club co-signed a letter to all US Senators in firm opposition to the Senate GOP JUSTICE Act (S.3985). This bill falls short of the comprehensive reform needed to ... READ MORE...

June 19, 2020: Keep DC Alive – Stop Gun Violence

The WNDC, together with 65 organizations and individuals, signed and sent a letter prepared by the DC Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, to Mayor Bowser and the DC Council, urging action: &#... READ MORE...

April 1, 2020: Gun Violence Safety Action—at the State Level

Virginia had a very successful legislative session! Most of Governor Northam’s gun safety package passed both houses this session, except for the “ban on assault weapons.” Bills incl... READ MORE...

October 1, 2019: Gun Violence Prevention: Policy Update

Gun Violence in America—Will Senators Follow Their Constituents and Act?! People say the Congress doesn’t respond, but let’s be specific here! The Senate doesn’t respond; the ... READ MORE...

May 1, 2019: What’s New on the Gun Violence Prevention Front

WNDC joined 221 other advocacy organizations in signing a gun violence research letter sent to House and Senate leadership and members of both Appropriations Committees. The letter generally speaks to... READ MORE...

April 1, 2019: Dizzying Pace of Activity Addressing Gun Violence on Capitol Hill

Honestly, there’s been so much activity around the issue of common-sense gun reform on Capitol Hill the past month that our heads are literally (well almost) spinning. Let us try to break it dow... READ MORE...

February 1, 2019: Speaker Pelosi Delivering on Promise of Gun Violence Action

As promised, Madam Speaker delivered promptly after the opening of the 116th Congress on legislation to curtail gun violence, something that has been way too long in coming. On January 8, the House ce... READ MORE...

October 29, 2018: WNDC Statement: Carnage at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh

Members of the Woman’s National Democratic Club are outraged and sickened over Saturday’s horrific slaughter of our fellow human beings during Jewish Shabbat services. We are witnessing ye... READ MORE...

October 26, 2018: What Has Been the Impact of Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law on the Homicide Rate? New Analysis Shows Starkly Increased Bloodshed

Last week the Center for American Progress Action Fund released an analysis showing that approximately 4,200 people have been killed by guns and that these murders were a “direct result of its &... READ MORE...

September 14, 2018: Roll Call Rates Ten House Republican Seats the Most Vulnerable: Eight Democratic Challengers are Gun Sense Candidates!

This week Roll Call posted an article entitled “The 10 Most Vulnerable House Members in 2018 List Remains All Republican.”  My own research has revealed that of those 10 seats, 8... READ MORE...

July 13, 2018: Questions Remain Two Weeks After Terrorist Attack by Stalker Slays Five in the Newsroom

Two weeks have passed since the June 28 massacre of five Capital Gazette staff — the only terrorist attack that has killed journalists within their newsroom aimed at silencing it compl... READ MORE...

July 6, 2018: Jarrod Ramos Should Not Have Been Able to Purchase a Gun

Any logical system of background checks for gun purchases would have stopped the Capital Gazette Newspaper killer, Jarrod Ramos.  He had been fired from his job as a government contract employee ... READ MORE...

June 22, 2018: Gun Reform is the Top Issue Among LGBTQ Voters in 2018

As the second anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub massacre was remembered this week, it seems this horrific shooting is driving voting expectations on the issue of gun reform among LGBTQ voters. About ... READ MORE...

May 25, 2018: Where U.S. House Members Stand on “March for our Lives” Gun Policy Agenda

A recent Washington Post survey of US House members regarding their stand on common sense gun proposals put forth by Parkland student activists revealed the following: Only 12% of Republi... READ MORE...

May 4, 2018: Snippets on Gun Safety

CSGV Endorses First 2018 Congressional Candidates! The following are 2018 candidates thus far who the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence believes will “use their respective experience and knowled... READ MORE...

April 27, 2018: Snippets on Gun Safety, Concealed Carry of Firearms: Facts vs. Fiction

The prospects for passage of meaningful gun safety legislation look grim in the current Congress; however, we must remain extra vigilant for a dangerous piece of legislation that would mandate that gu... READ MORE...

April 20, 2018: Pressure Builds on Investment Firms to Confront the “Risk Exposure” of Gun Manufacturing Investments

At a briefing April 18 organized by the WNDC Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention, staff from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence maintained that there has been a “cultural shift” regardin... READ MORE...

March 23, 2018: Resolution Expressing Solidarity with the Parkland Students and their “NeverAgain Movement

WHEREAS:  On February 14, 2018, 17 students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, were innocently slaughtered by yet another shooter with a military-style ass... READ MORE...