WNDC In The News
The Daily Beast (2/12/25) mentioned the Club in their article as a pillar of the Democratic community in DC.
The Afro-American Newspaper (04/8/23) covered our Sisterhood in Democracy Meet and Greet with numerous local women's groups.
The Georgetowner (06/27/22) covered our event Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Title IX with special guests Rep. Debbie Dingell, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Heather Booth, and Kelsey Nelson.
The Georgetowner (3/24/22) memorialized Dr. Madeleine Albright, first female Secretary of State and former Vice President of WNDC, noting her leadership at the Club and her dedication to public affairs groups and community engagement.
Sheridan Media (3/23/22) reviewed Wyoming women’s firsts during Women’s History Month and noted that the first female governor of Wyoming, Nellie Ross, gave a speech at WNDC during the inauguration of President Calvin Coolidge.
The Palestine Chronicle (3/13/22) reported on the discussion during a speaker program featuring Paul O’Brien, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, discussing and taking questions on Amnesty’s controversial, much-discussed report, titled “Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians.” The program and discussion ignited a firestorm of news and social media activity discussing this complicated geopolitical conflict.
Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs (3/16/21) reported on a WNDC speaker program with Trita Parsi, an author and co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, referencing the important discussion of Iran and US foreign relations.
FRANCE 24 (1/26/21) interviewed WNDC President Nuchhi Currier to answer the question, “As Kamala Harris makes history, will a female president be next?” We welcomed the producers to the beautiful Whittemore House, where they got some great clips of relevant historical content.
The Washington Informer (1/22/21) spotlighted the new “Women of Color and the Right to Vote” 2021 Calendar, a collaborative project with the WNDC Educational Foundation and other important partners. View the live review by clicking the link and skipping to minute 32:54.
The Wallace Way (12/3/20) featured a live, free-flowing informative chat with WNDC President Nuchhi Currier about the Club’s history and mission, the importance of civic engagement, the current state of politics and more.
The History Hat (10/28/20) explored the rich history of the Whittemore House and its unique architecture and interior museum collection. The video features rare clips and reenactments of former First Ladies.
The New York Times (10/8/20) included a news photo of the WNDC Vice Presidential Debate Watch Party in their article documenting the viral fly that landed on former VP Mike Pence’s head.
U.S News (2/24) featured an article on Robert McNeely’s February 23 program at WNDC on his book, The Making of Hillary Clinton, The White House Years, presenting previously unpublished photos of Hillary Clinton.
The Hill (2/16) mentioned that Tom Perez and Keith Ellison dined together after taking part in the WNDC forum (2/15) for DNC candidates.
The Washington Times (2/15) mentioned DNC presidential candidate Robert Vinsom Brannon’s pressuring veterans groups to support DC statehood at the WNDC candidates’ forum (2/15).
The Washington Times (2/16) cited WNDC’s candidates forum in an article titled “DNC Leaders Unhappy with Aggressive Tactics to Elect Ellison as Chairman.”
The Georgetowner (2/16) mentioned the WNDC candidates forum (2/15) in an article titled “WNDC Hosts Candidates for DNC Chair.”
The Washington Times (2/15) mentioned the WNDC candidates forum (2/15) in an article titled “DNC Chair Candidate: Presssure Veterans Groups to Support D.C. Statehood Movement.”
The Washington Post (2/14) mentioned the WNDC candidates forum (2/15) in an article titled “Perez Claims to Be 44 Votes away from Victory in DNC Race.”
The Thom Hartmann Show (2/6/17) featured Nuchhi Currier as a panelist on issues such as the Muslim ban and the Affordable Care Act repeal.
The Washington Post (1/19) cited WNDC as “Eleanor Roosevelt’s home away from home” in an article titled “The Women’s March Marks the Rebirth of a Fight that Began Long Ago.”
The Georgetowner (1/18) featured Senator Chris Van Hollen’s and Rev. Jesse Jackson’s speeches at the WNDC reception for new Democratic women members of Congress.
CBS5, San Francisco quoted Nuchhi Currier in “Trump Prepares for Inauguration Day, While U.S. Cities Prepare for Protests.”
Talk Media News (1/18) interviewed WNDC President Nuchhi Currier about the upcoming Women’s March on Washington.
The Thom Hartman Show (1/16/17) interviewed Nuchhi Currier by phone about the Women’s March on Washington.
DC Metro Theater Arts (12/1) published a positive and energetic review of the play, “Arguing with God,” by John Stoltenberg, presented at WNDC on 11/29. The play, directed by Rick Davis and written by playwright John Henry, was a huge success.
In Noozhawk (11/13), Jamie Stiehm published, “Blow to Women, America Won’t Let Hillary Clinton Make History,” about spending election night with us at WNDC.
In Creators.com (11/11), Jamie Stiehm published “Hillary Lost Her Chance to Break American History,” which included an account of election night at WNDC.
The Washington Post (11/9) mentioned election night at WNDC in “What It Felt Like to Be in Washington on Election Day.”
The Atlantic magazine (11/7) published “Hillary Clinton Disciples Getting Out the Vote,” a feature by Nora Kelly who spent an evening interviewing phone bankers (and President Nuchhi Currier and Past President Anna Fierst).
Creator Syndicate’s Jamie Stiehm (9/30)described her evening at WNDC’s September 26 Debate Watch Party in “Notes from a Jumpy One-Horse Town on the Race.”
BBC News (7/29) featured a segment on WNDC’s Convention Watch event, including photos and quotes from Ellie Newman, Nikardi Jallah, Karen Schwartz (and her daughter and granddaughter), E. Gail Anderson Holness, Linda Wiessler-Hughes and Karen Pataky, Immediate Past President Anna Fierst, Communications VP Liz Joyce, Patricia Fitzgerald, and other members watching and applauding the events.
WRC News Channel 4 aired a segment on WNDC’s Convention Watch Party, July 28, “DC Women’s Democratic Group Hails Clinton Nomination.” Interviews with Immediate Past President Anna Fierst and members E. Gail Anderson Holness and Pat Bitondo.
The Washington Post (July 24, 2016) featured an item on WNDC and its history in an article titled, “In D.C. and Alexandria, a Woman’s Political Place,” about local women’s political organizations.
The Scene (Bisnow) Books, Art & Jazz newsletter featured a talk by author Clara Gingham at WNDC on July 7.
Newsmax, July 8, 2015
“Elizabeth Truman: The Causes That Defined President Harry Truman’s First Lady”
(Mentioned that First Lady Bess Truman once served as honorary president of the Woman’s National Democratic Club.)
Click Here for full article
Breibart, July 18, 2015
“Why Gays Support the Hillary Clinton Campaign.”
(Mentions WNDC)
Click here for full article
Politico, June 11, 2015
“Inside Hillary’s House Party Strategy”
(Mentioned Hillary Clinton’s appearance at WNDC for a private fundraiser)
Click here for full article
Newzulu, June 9, 2015
“Hillary Clinton in Washington for Fundraiser at the Woman’s National Democratic Club.”
(Mentions WNDC)
Click here for full article
The Huffington Post, June 8, 2015
“Hillary Clinton Heading to DC for LGBT Fundraiser.”
(Noted WNDC as the event venue)
Click here for full article
The Weekly Standard, June 8, 2015
“Hillary Has LGBT Fundraiser Tonight in Washington”
(Mentioned the June 8 private fundraiser for Hillary Clinton Held at the Club)
Click here for full article
New York Times, May 3, 2015
“A wedding between two U.S. Attorneys in the homicide office of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for DC”
Click here for full article
The Hill, April 29, 2015
“Hillary’s Big Test on Trade”
(Brent Budowsky of The Hill, mentioned his recent talk at WNDC, “Superwoman Comes to the Supermarket”)
Click here for full article
Ethiopian Media Fourm, April 3, 2014
“Obang Speaks on Women’s National Democratic Club in Washington, DC,”
Click here for full article Candidate forum for at-large, shadow, national committeewoman and national committeeman
The Current Newspapers, March 19, 2014
“Tax policy debate anchors at-large candidates forum”
Click here for full article (page 1, 18)
The Current Newspapers, February 26, 2014
“Mayoral hopefuls square off at historic Democratic club”
Click here for full article (page 3, 5)
Washington Life, June 2013
“Roosevelt scions join singer Harry Belafonte at the Woman’s National Democratic Club”
Click here for full article (page 78)
The Washington Post, April 25, 2013
“Harry Belafonte receives social justice award named for Eleanor Roosevelt”
Click here for full article