Gun Violence Prevention
December 22, 2020: Gun Violence in DC and America
Posted on December 22, 2020 at 12:00 AM
Under the Trump presidency, both during COVID-19 and before, gun violence has never been a priority! Daily, we read about shootings of children in DC or Chicago or Columbus, often neighbor against neighbor or family member against family member. Homicide statistics, according to the DC Metropolitan Police Department, soared in 2020 passing 2019 numbers—a trend all over America. Similarly, suicides with firearms are increasing. Moreover, the emotional and physical distress after gun victimization is another cost of firearm violence to be reckoned with. While D.C.’s epidemic of gun violence is a public health emergency, this epidemic is nation-wide. That is why WNDC, together with 86 GVP organizations, asked the Biden/Harris Transition Team to make gun violence prevention a national priority at last!