Gun Violence Prevention
June 14, 2021: WNDC Resolutions Adopted by NFDW
Posted on June 14, 2021 at 12:00 AM
WNDC Resolutions Adopted at 50th Convention of the National Federation of Democratic Women
The Public Policy & Political Action Committee submitted the following three resolutions to be considered at the 50th NFDW Convention. These three resolutions were adopted on June 11, 2021 by an overwhelming majority, along with five others submitted from several states and clubs. Two of the WNDC resolutions addressed support for gun violence prevention measures, while the third demanded the U.S. Senate vote to make DC the 51st state.
National Federation of Democratic Women Resolution #5
Supporting Legislation on Gun Violence Reform Through Universal Background Checks & Closing the “Charleston Loophole”
Read resolution text here
National Federation of Democratic Women Resolution #6
Supporting President Biden’s $5B Community-Based Violence Prevention Programs
Read resolution text here
National Federation of Democratic Women Resolution #7
Insisting the U.S. Senate Vote to Make the District of Columbia the 51st State
Read the resolution text here
— Shelly Livingston, PPC Member