Learning more about the Israel-Hamas Conflict: Resources for WNDC Members
We know that this current conflict is on the minds and hearts of many of our members. We encourage members to stay engaged with national and global news based on information about this issue from a variety of sources. Below is a sampling of events that local Washington members can attend or that are available live online and accessible to National Members. If you are aware of other events that should be added to this roster, please contact Sara Bollag, communications@democraticwoman.org. We plan to circulate updates to this list regularly.
Up to date statistical information: Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live Tracker
Upcoming events:
Past events (many of them are still available for viewing online via YouTube and other sources.):
- Wednesday December 20th 7 pm (online) - Israel Salon | Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, Committee for the Republic us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ncRK-XdSTz6-ToRVzs4nMw#/registration
- Thursday December 21st 6 pm (hybrid) - Let It Be a Tale: An Evening of Solidarity with Gaza, The Jerusalem Fund lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/degqezm/lp/8cb787b9-5343-4160-b208-69d9507f1344
- Tuesday October 31st 10am (in person) - War on Gaza: Causes and Implications, Seen and Unseen, Arab Center Washington DC arabcenterdc.org/event/war-on-gaza-causes-and-implication/
- Tuesday, October 31st 10am (in person) - Looking Back in Order to Find a Way Forward: Expert Views on Israel and the Occupied Territories, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace carnegieendowment.org/2023/10/31/looking-back-in-order-to-find-way-forward-expert-views-on-israel-and-occupied-territories-event-8188
- Thursday, November 2nd noon (online) - The Israeli-Hamas War: A Conversation with Khalil Shikaki, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, carnegieendowment.org/2023/11/02/israeli-hamas-war-conversation-with-khalil-shikaki-event-8187
- Thursday November 2nd 10 am (Zoom) - US diplomacy and the Israel-Hamas war: Policy options and preparing for the "day after", Middle East Institute mei.edu/events/us-diplomacy-and-israel-hamas-war-policy-options-and-preparing-day-after
- Thursday November 2nd 8pm (in person & livestream) - Israel Relief Concert, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington jconnect.org/event/israel-relief-concert/
- Saturday November 4th 2pm (in person event) - National March on Washington: Free Palestine, The People's Forum peoplesforum.org/events/national-march-on-washington-free-palestine/
- Tuesday, November 7th 1pm (online) - David Petraeus on Israel-Gaza Conflict, Ukraine, and evolution of warfare, Washington Post Live washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2023/10/18/petraeus-roberts-evolution-warfare/
- Thursday November 16th 1pm (in person at GWU) - Between the colonial and the authoritarian: The two faces of Israel's regime, George Washington University Institute for Middle East Studies imes.elliott.gwu.edu/events/between-the-colonial-and-the-authoritarian-the-two-faces-of-israels-regime/
Further afield: